Andrew & Trisha Gudeman

Andy and Trisha Gudeman, along with Grace (14) and Micah (11), moved to Alaska from NC...and OH, PA, and FL. We grew up on the East Coast – Andy in PA and Trisha in MD. We have been married for 15 years. We always knew that we would serve in ministry together but we were not always sure what it would look like. We have served in camp ministry and college ministry, as well as having 9-to-5 jobs where God used us right where we were. God called us to missionary aviation in 2010 when we visited Smoketown Mission Aviation Fest (Lancaster, PA). Andy has had his pilot’s license since 1996 and was always just a hobby pilot. After years of doing campus ministry, the Lord brought our passion for ministry together with Andy’s love of aviation. We began our missionary service in 2015 at MMS (Missionary Maintenance Service) Aviation in Coshocton, OH where Andy earned his A&P certification (aircraft mechanic). We then moved to Burlington, NC to continue our service with Missionary Air Group (MAG). MAG and MMS are partner organizations with the joint goal of preparing pilot/mechanics for the mission field. While at MAG, we joined in their mission to meet medical needs in Central America and Western Africa through the operation of several air ambulances. Andy focused on specialized flight training and worked on maintaining their stateside aircraft. Andy also had opportunity to serve at one of their overseas sites. Trisha homeschools our kiddos and we love to do fun stuff together as a family. We love to hike, cook and bake, build Legos, do puzzles, read, and go for airplane rides with Andy.

Alaska was the furthest thing from our minds when we were considering long term assignments. However, as we prayed alongside Brian and Terah Lites (also KAC staff) as the Lord called them to KAC, God revealed his plans for us to journey to AK, too! The ministry opportunities abound in AK and it is an ideal training grounds for missionary pilots. Andy uses his pilot/mechanic skills and our family can continue to serve together in our community. The ministry of KAC aligned perfectly with how we felt God was calling our family to serve – together in a community where Andy’s aviation skills and our relational ministry could thrive and be of service. Andy is a pilot/mechanic at KAC. His focus is at the Palmer facility maintaining aircraft, as a flight instructor, and managing operations in Palmer. We have found that in missions, you just do what needs to be done – God often works outside of our job description! Trisha will continue to homeschool Grace and Micah. We will serve at KAC whenever we can!

Our hope is to serve the Lord with the gifts he has given us for as long as we can. We want to use aviation to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Whether as a flight instructor, an aircraft mechanic, or pilot, we hope that God will use Andy’s aviation skills and our family’s desire to share the love of Christ.

There is no better place to be than at the center of God’s will. There is a peace that cannot be found anywhere else. Our life may seem chaotic or transient but we have never experienced more peace and joy than since we followed God’s clear call into missions. We have never once doubted this calling or wondered if we took a wrong turn. When God calls us, he always makes a way. God has provided everything we need to do everything he has called us to do.